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AVID, Advancement Via Individual Determination, is a college readiness system for elementary through postsecondary that is designed to increase schoolwide learning and performance. Students in the AVID program are required to take an AVID elective class (each year), as well as Advanced Placement and other rigorous courses. The AVID curriculum prepares students for college by emphasizing writing, inquiry, collaboration, reading, note-taking, rigor, study skills, and college/career/motivational activities.
More About AVID
Our Career and Technical Education program can:
- Show how reading, math, and science are used in careers by relating academic subjects to the real world.
- Start college studies while in high school through dual enrollment with a community college.
- Add a new dimension to learning with "hands-on", in addition to "eyes-on" activities - a more effective way of learning.
More About CTE
International Baccalaureate (IB)
Westwood is the only school in Arizona's largest school district to be authorized to offer the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program (DP). Created in 1968, The IBDP offers a demanding two-year curriculum of pre-university studies that incorporates the best elements of schools from around the world. It is designed for highly motivated high school students in their junior and senior years. The program has earned a reputation for rigorous assessment, giving IB diploma holders access to the world's leading universities.
More About International Baccalaureate (IB)
Next Education Workforce
Approximately 900 ninth-grade students at Westwood High School in Mesa, Arizona are distributed across six Academy Teams. Each core team consists of at least four educators: a lead teacher and three certified teachers. Depending on students’ needs, special educators, English Language Learner educators, MLFTC residents and paraeducators may also be included on the team.
Learn More about Next Education Workforce
Service Learning
The purpose of MPS Service Learning is to encourage, support, and recognize service learning in all Mesa schools. Our mission is to engage all teachers and their students in meaningful community service experiences that teach and reinforce the curriculum. Students who volunteer or participate in service learning activities may earn an Honor for Excellence in Service Learning on their diploma.
More About Service Learning